I have chance upon plenty of articles, the man who created Google was an Indian man named Krishna Bharat. Since I am an avid Google fan, I got curious to know more about him. From there, I went to our city library just to satisfy my curiousity on the creator of Google.
While doing more research, I've come across an entirely different story. According to it, Google was created by two university students named Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google at first, was created as a project to further improve the manner on how data were stored and distributed in the Internet. Furthermore, it was only in 1997 that it was known as Google.
After going over plenty of online posts and resources, I was bothered because I was able to encounter two entirely differently stories. However, my quest did not end there. I went deeper and deeper on my research but most of the stories that I browsed were same with the second story. That's why, I am not convince that it was really Larry Page and Sergey Brin who created Google.
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