What comprises bliss? Is it continuing to drive an automobile in an era where the gas prices keeps increasing every week? Is it purchasing that designer item from any of the shops that call Greenbelt 4 a home? Or is it that dream vacation you've been dreaming of with your love one? Or is it a date with your family in one of the most popular fast food in the Philippines? Whatever your definition is, good manners will be there to help you enjoy it even more.
What's the most fabulous piece of jewelry a man can have? Aside from an expensive watch and a simple ring, if you happen to be on that state, you really look like a stylish woman at his side of course.
Are you familiar of any rules to live by regarding money as you live life? Three things enter your mind. First, don't show it around. Doing so may cause envy and make you the easy target for hold-ups, kidnappings, and robberies. Second, don't make it your only motivation in life. It's not true that money is the root of all evil, too much love of money is. Money managed well brings education to those who need it. Food to fight hunger. Medicines to those who are sick. Third, don't be selfish with it. Be practical. Donate what you can afford to charity. Pamper your family and friends when budget permits. Spend on yourself once in a while. You can't take it with you when you are dead already.
I know of well-off people, someone who doesn't have to work anymore yet secure of their future. They don't really just spent their money. Most of the wealthiest man live like a normal people. They eat the same food as a middle class do. They dressed like a normal individuals and they doesn't act like they can buy anything they want to buy. They just spent for their necessity nothing more. They act like normal people so that they wouldn't caught the attention of people especially the bad ones.
In addtion, I was able to see a lot of foreign beer commercials before, and only one of them called my attention and I realized that not everything can be bought by money. Friendship and Love are example of things that money can't buy, that regardless of your social and racial status, for as long as you have a good and a loving heart, it won't be hard for you to keep as many friends as you want.
Friends, as what I was saying earlier, are considered to be a great definition of luxury. An ideal luxury to be specific. All you have to do is to take good care of them to make them stay. Now I bet, I can define what luxury truly is at my best. It is a good or service that is not classified a need but is considered as something that brings pleasure or satisfaction.